I have, for as long as I can remember always had a love for seafood and in particular these mouth-watering pink crustaceans. Whilst they come in many guises, Tiger, Dublin Bay or King. There is nothing more satisfying than sitting at the seaside with a half pint of humble prawns listening to the omnipresent seagulls and the rhythmic lapping of waves against the shore, eating these coral coloured jewels, ah - a little piece of heaven!
My original picture was drawn from life and painted in watercolour with highlights in bodycolour onto 'Saunders Waterford Watercolour paper (300gsm) hot pressed'. I added further graphics to the image to hopefully portray the feeling of the seaside, with their painted shop signs & welcome boards, by using a Victorian Script font and flourishes.
Alternatively, why not click the link and have a look in my shop on ETSY UK
Ref: 0098_fruitseaprawn